Frequency: Tuning into What Works for my Writing

Creating and balancing a writing life is one of the most challenging part of being a writer in the world.  Now that its been about 2 years post-MFA, I have some reflection space to think about my writing life and how it has changed since MFA:  During my time in graduate school, I was familiar …

Clearing the debris: My ode to Spring

The coming of spring is inevitable, but our renewal is not.  Its a choice like everything else. I have to choose which story to believe. What to hang on to and what to let go. This lesson is not one that was dropped into lap.  Up until recently I would go through the seasons of my …

Orientalist Travel Posters: Pretty Little Liars

So what does my graduate seminar about Arab American literature have to do with some old-school travel posters? Well... My seminar discusses Arab American writers'  journey towards self-actualization and self-identification...this journey is made all the more challenging after generations of orientalist and imperialist thinking that attempted to boil our culture down to the bare minimum, …